LDS Holy Land Tour

Due to recent events in Israel,
the 2024 tour has been canceled.

An Unforgettable Holy Land Tour...

On the first trip I made to Israel, now more than a decade ago, I visited the building thought to be where the Palace of Caiphas, the High Priest, stood. This would have been the place where Jesus was first put on trial by the leaders of the Jews, and where he was held prisoner overnight before being taken to Pilate, the Roman Governor of Palestine, the next morning. After concluding the tour of the premises, I happened upon on old stone stairway reaching down into the valley below, which valley is named the Kidron Valley. On the other side of that valley is the Mount of Olives, where the Garden of Gethsemane is located, the place where Jesus was praying when he was arrested. It occurred to me as I stood there, that I might be looking at the stone steps upon which Jesus walked as he began his final few hours before the Crucifixion. It was a moment of realization, followed by an inner sense of gratitude to Jesus for the Atonement that he wrought for me. I have never forgotten that feeling.

Due to recent events, the 2024 tour has been canceled

LDS Holy Land Tour

This specialized LDS Holy Land Tour package with your knowledgeable tour guide, Joseph Jarvis, will exceed your expectations. Tour destinations include the Ruins of King Herod, the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Transfiguration, John the Baptist site on the Lower Jordan River, the Dead Sea, Valley of the Shadow of Death, tour of the BYU Jerusalem Center, City of David, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Garden Tomb and so much more.  Joe will also give you the history of each area, the biblical significance and information on what makes it so memorable. Come feel the special spirit that is only here in the Holy Land.

Reserve your spot for the next LDS Holy Land Tour and get ready for an unforgettable spiritual experience
as you walk where the Savior walked.


Details to be finalized, itinerary subject to change

$4600/person double occupancy (breakfast & dinner meals included).
Reservations secured with a $2000/person deposit.

Final payment for the trip (the remaining $2600/person) will be due January 15, 2024.  
Payments made to Mo Joe Travel are non-refundable.  If for any reason I decide to cancel the trip, I will fully refund all payments.
Travelers who wish to extend by traveling to Jordan (to see Petra) or Egypt can make arrangements through Mo Joe Travel.
Airline reservations upon request. Trip insurance offered.


Depart from the U.S.

May 4th: Departure from the U.S.


Arrive in Israel
Olive Grove, Haifa

May 5th: arrival in Israel, stop enroute to the hotel to visit Netanya College to see the olive grove commemorating the LDS prophets and apostles who offered blessings for the land of Israel. Continue to Haifa for welcome dinner and overnight.

Haifa, Israel

Bahai Gardens, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Nazareth, Galilee

May 6th: Check out of hotel in Haifa and begin a full day of touring including stops at the German Colony cemetery containing LDS missionary graves, Bahai Gardens, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Sepphoris, and Mt. Precipice overlooking Nazareth. Overnight in the Galilee.

Tel Dan

Tabgha, Caperenaum, Mount of Beatitudes, Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Valley of Tears

May 7th: Full day of touring including Tabgha, Capernaum, Mount of Beatitudes, Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Mt. Hermon, Har Habtarim, and the Valley of Tears. Overnight in the Galilee.

The Jezreel Valley from Mt Carmel

Mt Arbel, Jezreel Valley, St Peter, Magdala

May 8: Full day of touring including Mt. Arbel, Jezreel Valley, Megiddo, Mt. Gilboa, St. Peter Fish Lunch, Magdala, and the Jesus Boat. Overnight in the Galilee.

Qumran Cave

Dead Sea, Beit Shean, Qasr al-Yahud, Qumran, Shiloh

May 9: Check out of hotel enroute to the Dead Sea, stopping to visit Beit Shean, Qasr al-Yahud, Qumran, Shiloh, and time left at the end of the day to swim in the Dead Sea.

Jerusalem from BYU Center

Masade, Ein Gedi, BYU Jerusalem Center, Mt of Olives

May 10: Check out of hotel, visit Masada, Ein Gedi, enroute to Jerusalem. Upon arrival, tour the BYU Jerusalem Center, view the city from the Mt of Olives. Overnight in Jerusalem.

LDS Holy Land Tours Garden of Gethsemane

Orson Hyde Garden, Garden of Gethsemane, Caiphas House, Upper Room

May 11: Begin the day at Sacrament meeting at the BYU Jerusalem Center. Full day of touring including the Orson Hyde Garden, Garden of Gethsemane, Church of All Nations, Caiphas House, Upper Room, view Bethlehem from Shepherd’s Field.

LDS Holy Land Tour Old City of Jerusalem

City of David, Temple Mount, Western Wall, Rabbinical Tunnels, Hezekiah's Wall

May 12: Full day of touring, including Temple Mount, City of David, Western Wall, Rabbinical Tunnels, lunch at the Austrian Hospice, Hezekiah’s Wall, Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Church of the Holy Redeemer. Overnight in Jerusalem

LDS Holy Land Tours Sunset over Jerusalem

Yad Vashem, Knesset, Israel Museum, Shrine of the Book, Herodian, Garden Tomb

May 13: Full day of touring including Yad Vashem, Knesset, Israel Museum, Shrine of the Book, Model of 1st C Jerusalem, Bible Lands Museum, Herodian, and Garden Tomb. Overnight in Jerusalem.

LDS Holy Land Tours Tel Aviv by night from the ancient port of Joffa

Jaffa, house of Simon the Tanner, Tel Aviv, Emmaus

May 14: Check out of hotel, then a full day of touring including Jaffa, house of Simon the Tanner, sites in Tel Aviv, including Independence Hall and the Carmel Market. On to Emmaus and the Elah Valley before enjoying a farewell dinner prior to getting to the airport for late evening departure.

Tour group in front of Dome of the Rock

Arrive Home in the U.S.

May 15: Arrive home in the US

2024 LDS Holy Land Tour Includes:

Due to recent events, the 2024 tour has been canceled

(Not included: airfare, travel insurance, personal expenses)

What Customers Have to Say...

Tour group in front of Dome of the Rock

This is our family group at the Dome of the Rock just a few days ago. We had a wonderfully memorable trip with Joe. We stayed in top notch hotels, ate fun and plentiful food, and had great moments of discussion as he instructed us in important contextual background. The experiences visiting Tel Aviv, Haifa, Magdala, Caesarea Phillipi, Tel Dan, the Galilee, Capernum, the Valley of Tears, the Jordan Valley; the Dead Sea, Masada, Qumran, BYU Center, and Jerusalem were marvelous. We had visited Israel 9-10 years ago, but this was ever so much more informative and memorable in every way. My recommendation for a tour with Joe is enthusiastic and unqualified.

I recently spent an amazing 10 days traveling with Dr Joe in Israel. Every day was extraordinary. It’s unfair to exclude anything, but particular favorites were Shiloh,Tel Dan, Zefat, Masada and Magdala, and Jerusalem which deservedly receives disproportionate attention. Dr Joe’s insights at every location we’re interesting and moving, ranging from the archaeological to the anecdotal. I had done some homework (not nearly enough!) before our trip, mostly focused on Jerusalem through the Biblical period and up until the Crusades, so I was especially surprised to learn from Dr Joe about the population and demographic trends during the most recent 150 years, including the early Zionist movement and the incredibly complicated and controversial developments that still continue. I can’t wait to travel with Dr Joe again and hope to return someday to Israel!

LDS Holy Land Tour