Photo Gallery

Photos From Past Tours to the Holy Land

2023 Holy Land Tour

The March 2023 Holy Land Mo Joe Travel tour group on Temple Mount
The March 2023 Holy Land Mo Joe Travel tour group on Temple Mount
Elijah the Prophet on Mt Carmel
Elijah the Prophet on Mt Carmel
The Jezreel Valley from Mt Carmel
The Jezreel Valley from Mt Carmel
Fishing in the Mediterranean Sea at Joffa
Fishing in the Mediterranean Sea at Joffa
King Herod’s swimming pool at Cesarea Maritima
King Herod’s swimming pool at Cesarea Maritima
The wilderness of Moab
The wilderness of Moab
Haifa, Israel
Haifa, Israel
Cesarea Philippi or Banias in the Golan Heights
Cesarea Philippi or Banias in the Golan Heights
City gates of ancient Megiddo
City gates of ancient Megiddo
The Ba’Hai Gardens in Haifa
The Ba’Hai Gardens in Haifa
Peter’s house in Capernaum
Peter’s house in Capernaum
The ancient synagogue at Magdala in the Galilee
The ancient synagogue at Magdala in the Galilee
Bet Sean, an ancient Roman city.
Bet Sean, an ancient Roman city.
The remains of the Roman encampment at Masada
The remains of the Roman encampment at Masada
Jerusalem from the BYU Center on Mt Scopus
Jerusalem from the BYU Center on Mt Scopus
Wadi Rum in Jordan
Wadi Rum in Jordan
Looking down on the terrace of King Herod’s Northern Palace at Masada
Looking down on the terrace of King Herod’s Northern Palace at Masada
Yad Vashem-a place and a name in memory of the Holocaust, erected in Jerusalem
Yad Vashem-a place and a name in memory of the Holocaust, erected in Jerusalem
The Treasury at Petra in Jordan
The Treasury at Petra in Jordan

2019 Holy Land Tour

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